Monday, November 10, 2008

Sunday at the Obama Wall

I went down to the Lincoln Memorial on Sunday to photograph some of the people writing messages to President-Elect Obama. Its part of my desire to be a more curious photographer, and to seek out subjects to photograph. I'm trying to be better about following through when I hear about an event or situation that might make make an interesting photo or story. I've learned that when I ignore that inside voice to go and witness something, I usually regret it. I was impressed by how joyful the crowd was. Even as they waited for their turn to write their message, there was a party atmosphere.

More images are on my website:

Friday, November 7, 2008

Drumming up new freelance work

As the fall turns into winter, my opportunities for outdoor sports to photograph are dwindling.

I decided this week to try a new tack to gain some wedding photography experience by offering to assist or serve as a second shooter for free. I put the ad up on craigslist last night, and I'm anxious to see if I have any takers. My goal is to build up some solid experience and a few contacts that I can work with in the spring/summer wedding season. It wouldn't hurt to be able to afford some better equipment.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Subliminal Message?

Campaign signs at my community's polling place.